Advice to my younger self on social work and case management

I always asked myself about the things that I would do if I went back on time and what kind of advice I would give myself to have a better career and less stress are.

Today I have three tips and advice for the younger me who was doing case management and implementing micro social work.

1- Find good supervision:

As Social Workers/Case Managers, we are going to get triggered by our clients. They\’re going to remind us of our friends/family and communities.

Our indirect exposure to trauma through a firsthand account or narrative of traumatic events might cause secondary trauma. If we don\’t have a way to process that outside of the case management room or the therapy office, it can get us into trouble.

Good supervision is not about the paperwork, the case files, or the reports. Good supervision helps us to process our emotions and gives valuable mental health time for us.

Given that this work may trigger feelings and thoughts in you, sometimes you take those feelings and thoughts home. It is essential to work toward a balanced life, including time for you. However, realize there are times when you need to decompress and find ways for stress relief.

2-Leave your fantasy outside the case management room:

We are superheroes, we can help all clients at all times, and we are ready and willing to help whoever, and whenever comes our way.

Unfortunately, This is a fantasy that many of us have, and it would be a good thing to keep in mind that you should be realistic and not to have high expectations for yourself that you\’re going to do it all right all the time.

3-Do not compare your level with others:

You are unique and have your skills and talents. Observe the other people practice and ask questions, but don\’t compare yourself with others.

You are not expected to know everything, but you are expected to shout out if unsure. Relationship-based approaches with clients and professionals are critical to positive outcomes and managing your workload.

Finally, there is no shortcut to becoming the worker you want to be; it takes time, experience, and patience.

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