16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

The 16 Days of Activism Campaign Against Gender-Based Violence is an international Campaign to end violence against women and to advocate for the promotion and protection of women’s rights. The campaign runs annually from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights).

The 16 Days of Activism Campaign is used as an organizing strategy by individuals, organizations and governments around the globe to advocate for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls. The campaign calls on women and men, old and youth in all parts of the world to take action in their communities, play their role and stand up against violence against women and girls. Since its inception in 1991, the campaign has generated increased awareness about the negative consequences of violence against women and girls.

The 2020 global theme for the Campaign is “Orange Africa: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!”.  Mobile Gender-Based Violence theme is: “Orange Africa by Youth: We the 70’s Percent can build a better World!

0 thoughts on “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence”

  1. From ticking boxes, posing for media coverage to proactively and selectively taking structured actions aimed at reducing exposure to GBV. Gender focussed organizations need to be held accountable with clear KPIs

    1. June Omollo, yes. Enough with the board room meetings. Time to meet our victims and survivors on the ground to share their experiences. Ending Gender-Based Violence is everyone’s responsibility. We need to unite and bring an end to Gender-Based Violence.

  2. Michael Kishoyian

    This is the best campaign ever. We’ve lost many women and children due to this menace. I dedicate myself to be an agent if change in my community

    1. Thank you, Michael, for supporting this noble cause. Many women, men and children have fallen victims of Gender-Based Violence. It is time to bring it to an end.

  3. whilst 16 days activism against gender-based violence is a good cause for South Africa I believe that it is not enough if one were to consider the rate at which gender-based violence happens in South Africa.

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